

It is undeniable the great dimension has Jesus of Nazareth for modern history, from practically all over the West, it is difficult to find who ignores at least his name in the rest of the world. Obviously, this test exempts those who, because of their cultural, historical, political, and social reality, completely ignore not only the phenomenon of Christianity but other similar ones such as Islam, Buddhism and other professed creeds in the world. It is possible to find indigenous groups in the Amazon and Africa, in which the knowledge of Jesus and other religions is very scarce, not only because there are no evangelization groups but many other conditions demand it, an issue that otherwise it is not part of this document.

Since his earthly appearance, Jesus of Nazareth marks history; of course, to say year 100 B.C. (before Christ) or 100 A.D. (after Christ) clearly manifests its influence in our history, or at least in our calendar.

If we make a historical retrospection in all the epochs after the earthly historical life of the man Jesus, we will find that our history cannot be told without Him. It is by far consubstantial, with our history.

The great Roman Empire of the time of Jesus, who practically had dominion over the known world, executed a process of extermination of those who opposed his creeds, especially his worship of Cesar Romano. A group that forced him to give immediate attention was precisely that of the insipient Christians (Jewish provincial sect), against those who used the full range of torture and eccentricities to end them, however, they could not, rather than group with the fall of that empire and Constantine's arrival (313) is strengthened and begins a growth that reached unlikely dimensions in other conditions and with other leaders of styles and messages closely similar to those of the man Jesus of any age. Already in itself, this has relevance and particularly presents a characterization of Jesus. Each age in which history has been divided (dc) revolves around the message and the person of Jesus, coming to find excesses in its dissemination and defense (Inquisition), as well as good people and fully identified with Christ, man, and women, saints (like Francisco de Asis and Teresa de Calcutta, among others ...). In short, Jesus, his person, and his message is a historical issue (by very few questioned) and especially of Faith.

For this document the historical fact of Jesus is taken for granted, furthermore, his divinity is recognized and will not be discussed, Jesus is for the author of this document a single person with two natures: the human and the divine. In the same way, the Bible is considered as the great book of communication between God and man, written by human beings and inspired by God with the action of the Holy Spirit, which allows us to have the current canon of inspired books. It is not the objective of this document, to rethink the historicity of either Jesus or the Bible, its originality and its divinity. It is not a strictly biblical-theological document nor does it claim to be, but they need to use both themes to support many of its statements is evident.

On the other hand, it is significant to understand that Mr. Steven R. Covey has never raised his great statements in religious terms or in Judeo-Christian faith, although a clear spirituality in his concepts is denoted. Covey is especially a motivator and a rescuer of the human being who invites him to find in the depths of his being, the forces to achieve the goals set in the best possible way, which will ultimately lead him to give a better quality of life in Your relationship with others.

One of Steven Covey's great books is "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". When I could read this book and begin its compression and dimension its vast horizon of application, I couldn't stop the desire to invite my friends to read and practice it in all areas of human activity. And I came up with the uncontrollable desire to make it more experiential, placing its content in the light of the Holy Scriptures and especially the data recorded in the New Testament of Jesus. The reason seems very natural and simple: There is nothing in all of Covey's postulates that quarrel with Jesus' profound message and conveyed in the New Testament. I do not find in the 7 habits of Covey, none that is alien to human nature, that is strange, that is ridiculous, but that they are all patterns of life that promote human beings to re-create themselves permanently, to travel a route Towards personal growth. This contribution from Covey is undeniable.

However, for all of us Christians, the figure of Jesus is the inspiring source of all goodness, of all courage and the great inspirer of life principles. The referent from which all the guides of existence emanate and he is the north that marks the way forward. In this God-Man, we find the great promoter of the human being. "In Jesus Christ, humanity will finally find its supreme degree of development and progress" [1]. As we go through the gospels we can distinguish in the attitudes of Jesus, in his person and in his message, the correct and only way that every Christian must go to achieve happiness: love, in all its dimensions. In this considered way, I could stop my essay here and invite you to read the gospel and that's it, we're done. However, Covey's thought is so exquisite, enriching, structured and provocative that it is worth rereading it from the Bible, from Jesus and thus "offer" the enormous value of a fundamental principle for every Christian: Faith. The principle he has achieved motivate generations of generations, even giving life, to defend it. From what I find in the Faith, a trigger to achieve the great dreams of all men, faith is a great motivation that man occupies to meet himself and others.

Here is the logic of my study, no other.

We meet soon.

[1] Christology, Pbro. Carlos Joaquín Alfaro, page 2


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